See below our current (depending on the season) and previous live bird cams
Currently live bird cams:
LIVE Forest Bird Feeder & Wildlife Camera - Ground & Bird Feeder De Mortel, The Netherlands (4K UHD)
This LIVE 4K/UHD Forest Birds & Wildlife camera is located in the Dutch forest area Biezen and Milschot in our garden. This live bird cam provides a great opportunity to observe Dutch forest wildlife up close and to learn the common bird species of the Netherlands in Europe.
The Netherlands serves ~320 different bird species of which ~180 are common. Daily we record more than 20 different species at our Forest Bird & Ground Feeder passing by.
Frequent ?bird guests: Tawny owl (regularly hunts mice on the stream), Blackbird, Carrion Crow, Common Chaffinch, Common Wood Pigeon, Dunnock (Hedge Sparrow), Eurasian Blackcap, Eurasian Blue Tit, Eurasian Bullfinch, Eurasian Magpie, Eurasian Nuthatch, European Pied Flycatcher, European Robin, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Tit, Jay, Short-toed Tree creeper, Song Thrush, Stock Dove, Western Jackdaw, Yellowhammer.
Iedere nacht live:
LIVE Forest Wildlife Night Camera - from dusk till dawn (Starts daily at dusk)
Curious what happens in the forest at night? We have regular Tawny Owl sightings:
Tawny Owl flight acrobatics during hunt: https://youtu.be/4zv3CKIHmOg
Tawny Owl hunting live on birdfeeder: https://youtu.be/QwCjM9QO-3o
Tawny Owl kills mouse live on camera: https://youtu.be/IJeINB-6z9o
Tawny Owl hunting on the livestream: https://youtu.be/4vSg1xFAF-Y
⚠️ Warning: You are watching an uncensored wildlife livestream which may be distressing to sensitive people.
Previously live bird cams:
LIVE Tawny Owl Camera De Mortel (Starts again January 2022)
The tawny owl mainly breeds in tree cavities and starts nesting early in the year (February or March). During the breeding season I wil be streaming LIVE from De Mortel.
For a number of years in a row, a tawny owl pair has chosen one of the two breeding boxes as their nest in De Mortel. The live stream will switch to the correct owl box after the tawny owl has chosen pair. This livestream includes audio!
In the meantime I intend to post some videos about the progress of the brood so don't forget to subscribe to my channel and activate the bell so that you get a notification when there is an update.